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Finance Committee Minutes 01/31/05
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of January 31, 2005
Library Meeting Room

Present:        Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Nancy Bone, Mac Hay, Pat Foley, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Sylvia Smith, William Carlson
Absent:          Carl Caruso

Immediately following the Joint Budget meeting with the Board of Selectmen, Chair Berta Bruinooge called the meeting to order at 9:04 p.m.
FinCom welcomed its new member William Carlson to the committee.

Transfer Request  05-05
The Committee considered the Town Administrator’s request for a transfer of $11,500 for Liability/Property/Comp Insurance.  The sum is needed to pay the third quarter workers’ compensation bill of $10,182, an additional premium of $1,189 for a Police Department indemnification policy, and $129 in runners fees.  Arlene Kirsch moved to approve
Transfer 05-05 for $11,500.  Nancy Bone seconded the motion.
All voted to approve the transfer 8-0.

Transfer  Request 05-06
Janet Erickson and Ann White of the Historical Commission presented their request for $5,000 for preparation and publication of A Guide to Monuments and Memorials of Wellfleet. The book would be sold at $8 a piece, which would cover all printing costs; however they are seeking an advance to get it published.  In a footnote to his signature on the request, Tim Smith said any proceeds from sales should go back to the General Fund.

While FinCom considered the project worthwhile, transfers from the Reserve Fund are meant for unforeseen and urgent projects.  Berta Bruinooge said the request did not meet that criteria.

FinCom suggested other options for the Historical Commission to explore.  Arlene Kirsch suggested forming a Friends of the Historical Commission, which could raise funds since the commission itself, as a state sanctioned town board, cannot do.  John Makely thought the Historic Society might be able to help them.  Helen Miranda Wilson suggested approaching the Chamber of Commerce, but Berta Bruinooge said they had no money available.

Mac Hay made a motion to not approve the transfer request; Pat Foley seconded.
FinCom voted to deny the transfer 7-0-1 (John Makely abstaining)

Minutes of January 10 Joint Budget Meeting
Sylvia Smith moved to approve the amended minutes of the January 10, 2005 meeting. Hay seconded the motion.  The amended minutes were approved 6-0-1. (Foley abstaining)

John Makely moved, Pat Foley seconded; all approved 8-0; the meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 ___________________________     
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Berta Bruinooge, Chair  
